
Exploring Connection, Awareness and meaning in tango


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So sensitive and descriptive. I loved the forms and images that came to my mind as I read it!

Alejandra Mantiñan – Chapter: The meaning of your personal-development path in tango


Exploring connection, awareness, and meaning in tango


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Great tango moments tend to happen only occasionally. 

They are precious because they contain a message of profound intimacy. 

Without satisfying moments, you end up with dull dances for you and your partners. 

Let’s face it: given a choice, no one likes bad tango. 

Why not give your tango partner the experience they deserve, why dance more tedious tangos and leave your dance partners unfulfilled? 

No one likes unsatisfying experiences. 

You and your partners don’t have to leave the milonga disappointed. 

Read Tangofulness to explore the origin of meaningful connection in tango, not as an intellectual process, but as a practical way to experience moments of connection more often and with greater intensity. 

Tangofulness is a journey to the core of tango and connection. 

It’s a practical guide to your tango partner’s heart. 

Glimpse inside the pages of this intense Tango book to find that next tango moment with the partners you can’t get enough of. 

  • Learn to deepen your connection in tango 
  • Say no to more tedious tangos 
  • Allow those best-tanda-of-my-life moments to happen 

Glimpse inside Tangofulness.

It is written from the heart, give it a try.


Alison Ozer:
“I just began reading the book and already feel such resonance. I love these kind of inquiries: Why someone is drawn to tango, to dance. While reading, tears have come to my eyes. I can feel such a genuine heart behind the words. Part of what I seek in partnership (life, dance) is creating, sharing magical moments which make living worthwhile. Magical could be experienced or defined as infused with awareness, heightened energy and appreciation, desire, and acceptance, an open heart filled with love and a deep full breath, rich with associations. What can make a connection special is feeling a mutual curiosity and engagement in exploration. The more multidimensional, the richer it is. I’m smiling and I am curious to hear more of what others have shared.”
Cassandra G.:

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