
Tangofulness Resources

This page includes resources and links mentioned in the book.


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that want to dance more when they want to dance more,

and dance with better leaders who don’t pull them around and make them feel uncomfortable:

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Tangofulness Immersion: Join me for 4 days in this intimate retreat.

The Tangofulness Retreat



With hands red from squeezing on my heart,
choking back a cry of rage,
rebellious, like water against fire,
like the sea against the rocks, today I rebel
against your tyrannical love
which doesn’t listen to reason,
I rebel against my own heart,
I’m asking you to go, to leave me,
to get out of here now—it’s for the best.

I know that afterwards I will cry,
that I will never forget you.
I know that every night without your laugh,
without your voice,
I will miss your love so much!
But I would rather lose you
than keep turning into your pawn
every time I see you.
No, just leave me, please!
Today my love has rebelled…

Against your tyrannical love,
which doesn’t listen to reason
I rebel against my own heart,
I’m asking you to go, to leave me,
to get out of here now—it’s for the best.

Source: Poesia de Gotan

Listen to Adiós Nonino by Astor Piazzolla here:

The story behind Adiós Nonino:

In 1959, Piazzolla was on a tour of spanish speaking America when, during a presentation in Puerto Rico with Juan Carlos Copes and Maria Nieves Rego, he received news of the death of his father, Vicente Piazzolla, nicknamed Nonino, due to a bicycle accident in his hometown of Mar del Plata. This news, coupled with the tour’s failure, economic problems and homesickness, led Piazzolla to depression. There after receiving such devastating news he composed this work in about 30 minutes as a tribute to his father, based on “Nonino”, another tango Astor had composed five years earlier in Paris, also dedicated to Vicente Piazzolla.

Dad asked us to leave him alone for a few hours. We went into the kitchen. First there was absolute silence. After a while, we heard dad playing the bandoneon. It was a very sad, terribly sad melody. He was composing “Adiós Nonino”. — Daniel Piazzolla, his son. Astor, Diana Piazzolla, 1986.

Because of its melancholic melody and the fact that Piazzolla wrote it so far from his native country while suffering from severe depression, Adiós Nonino evokes a strong sense of nostalgia and has become a symbol of the Argentine diaspora.

Source: Wikipedia

This is for you

I want to bring more humanity, humility, and understanding to our tango community.

Tango can help so many people, if they only knew.

You can help me in this journey here.

It’s easy, and it matters.

Hug, and let go,


The meaning of communication

The five languages of love book can be found here.

The meaning of cabeceo

Two books to help you understand how people feel based on their fascial expressions and body language.

Unmasking the Face: A Guide to Recognizing Emotions From Facial Expressions

The Definitive Book of Body Language: The Hidden Meaning Behind People’s Gestures and Expressions

The meaning of your body

Two books on Trauma by the pioneer of the field Peter A. Levine PhD.

Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma: A beautiful introduction to what trauma is, and how it is experienced and healed.

Healing Trauma: A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body: A step by step program for trauma self-healing (CD included)

Dance Imagery for Technique and Performance: Renowned master teacher Eric Franklin is providing dancers and dance educators with a deep understanding of how they can use imagery to improve their dancing and artistic expression in class and in performance. A great book to connect with the sensations of your own body.

The meaning of breathing

Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ. A great fun book from a person that is passionate about our food’s journey through our body.

Own the Day, Own Your Life: Optimized Practices for Waking, Working, Learning, Eating, Training, Playing, Sleeping, and Sex: exactly what the title says. A great book for anyone that wants to enjoy more every single day, with more energy and purpose.

Loop habit tracker: my favorite habit tracking app. Simple, free, and effective.

Additional tango related recommendations

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