My first crisis in tango (and how I survived it.)
by Tatiana Litunovskaya
I came to tango as many of us – accidentally.
Middle-aged, no serious dance background, no real sport, not thick, not thin, not “feet-to-ears beauty”, not especially capable of dancing; you know what I mean.
Just one of the many women who come to Argentine Tango for a new experience, or feeling, or for who-knows-what-else (and with a broken heart to be totally honest).
When the first strong emotions faded (both good and bad), I realized that my development in tango had its limit, independently of how many hours I spent in classes, private lessons, and so on.
I’ll never win the World Championship (oh, come on, not even a local championship).
I’ll never become a desired partner for many good leaders.
Despite the fact that I dance enough in milongas in general, I’m still invisible for the “high class” and always will be (here I usually start weeping, so, please, wait a few minutes.)
Well, such thoughts finally led to the need to make a decision: proceed or give up.
It depends on the person, but that kind of crisis comes usually after the first 2-3 years in argentine tango.
It’s hard to overcome because you already dance more or less well by this time (I can speak only about the ladies), but your dance might not be enough or can’t get the attention of your desired partners.
As you have already guessed, I survived and decided to proceed.
I had to accept myself, my weaknesses and limitations, my physical condition, and age. I had to find my way, my place in the tango world, and stop trying to be someone else’s copy.
I gave up waiting for the ideal tango life.
Instead, I started enjoying the music, the atmosphere, and whatever tandas I found myself in.
And, thank God, they allow sparkling wine in milongas!
So, I’m not a perfect dancer, but I’m still here.
Let’s wait for the next crisis… 🙂
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Tangofulness is fully funding the creation and maintenance of the platform Tango for Good. Tango for Good’s mission is to empower projects that use tango for alternative therapy, palliative care, trauma healing, and social inclusion. To help us in this mission to bring tango to the lives of people who need it, you can buy on Amazon the book Tangofulness: Exploring connection, awareness, and meaning in tango written by Dimitris Bronowski (you can get access to the first chapter here) or support us on Patreon with a minimum donation of 1 Euro per month.
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